A yacht born for the future: it flies over the waves as if among the stars. Resembling a spaceship, the striking fluid forms of the boat’s exterior inspired the creation of innovative interior design.
Transformable space was the principal motif concerning the design of the social zone. The comfortable lounge with cosy sofas and the TV-zone can instantly turn into a site for partying or relaxing. The sliding partition walls, the collapsible unit with a pop-out plasma TV, the moveable modules of upholstered furniture transform the scene, shift the accents within it and change its functionality.
The key role in the project’s concept is played by lighting. The lights are integrated into the walls, the floor and the furniture. In accordance with the scenario chosen, they transform the mood and change the atmosphere magically. The geometry of light patterns, the dynamics of additional backlighting and the ornamentation of light rays turn into a principal decorative technique and create a wow effect.
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