2 300 sq.m
The test of time is the hardest challenge for an architect. Will their creation still exist in 50, 100, 200 years? Or it will be replaced by a new building? Or it will even turn into pathetic ruins? At a closer look many ancestral estates are like family trees. Lots of extensions and terraces remind side branches connected to the trunk, while the base is always set by the legendary ancestors. During long winter evenings, grown-up family members tell their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren about the life of their forebears.
Even large diamonds need shaping. A perfect cut makes their shining brighter. The same is about residence reconstruction. Often it helps to take a fresh look both at the house and its surroundings, for instance, the park ensemble.
How to embody the atmosphere that combines solemnity and serenity? We decided that the best way to do it is to create a cozy and comfortable house that has a romantic spirit of a 19th-century villa. Using classical style this way allows us to show the ambivalence, an amazing combination of solemn and homely, realistic and dreamy.
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СТРАНЫ БАЛТИИ / Частное имение / 2 300 кв.м
СТРАНЫ ЛАТИНСКОЙ АМЕРИКИ / Частное имение / 42 400 кв.м
СТРАНЫ ЕВРОСОЮЗА / Частное имение / 102 500 кв.м
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